How To Reverse An Apple Body Shape With Diet & Food Changes

By Kayley George, RDN, LD

Women gain weight differently and store fat in different parts of their body. The terms “apple shaped” and “pear shaped” are often used to describe how the body distributes fat.

In this post I am reviewing what an apple body is and how you can use diet and exercise to reverse an apple body shape.

What Is an Apple Body?

If you have an apple-shaped body, then your body is "top heavy". This means you have a wide torso, broad shoulders, and a full bust, waist, and upper back. Apple-shaped bodied women also tend to have thinner arms, legs, and hips, and tend to gain weight at their waistlines.

Recognizing and understanding your body type can help you better know what areas you might need to focus more or less in when trying to meet your weight loss goals.

Is It Possible To Reverse An Apple Body Shape?

It may seem impossible at times to get rid of unwanted fat no matter what we do or how much we “diet and exercise”. It’s a myth that you can’t change your apple or pear shaped “body type.”

If you’re pear-shaped or apple-shaped, you can change this “body type.” Even though the pear shape or apple shape “body type” has been linked to certain chemicals in the body, this doesn’t mean that you cannot change this “shape.”

In fact, incorporating healthy diet and exercise habits into your lifestyle are very important factors that play a role in reversing the apple body shape, which will be discussed in more detail later. It is also important to understand why it is beneficial to reverse this body type for your health and concerns associated with weight gain.

Weight that gets stored mainly in the abdominal area is called visceral fat. Visceral fat creates some concerns because it sits around vital organs and can cause pressure on those organs and also produce inflammation in the body.

This excess fat storage can increase the risk for high blood pressure, high triglyceride levels, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and further lead to diseases like heart disease and diabetes (also known as metabolic syndrome). This does not mean all the fat stored in the abdominal area is visceral fat, some might be subcutaneous fat.

Subcutaneous fat sits directly below the skin and is more jiggly and “grabbable”. This fat is often harmless and typically stored in regions that create the pear shaped body we talked about, like in the legs, glutes and thighs.

All of that being said, reversing the apple shape can create an overall healthier lifestyle and help you better meet some of your weight loss goals.

Things That Cause An Apple Body Shape

Believe it or not, your hormones play a huge role in this type of body shape! Genetics also play a role in this, which is a little bit harder to control of  course.

An apple-shaped body’s fat distribution is often caused by excessively high cortisol levels, which increases your glucose (blood sugar) levels, resulting in an increase in insulin. Insulin is in charge of transporting the glucose into your cells for energy use or to be stored for later use as fat.

Overtime if glucose levels remain high, your body will store the excess glucose as fat, and cause that stubborn midsection fat storage. These hormone imbalances can occur from several things such as:

  • Diets high in refined carbohydrates, added sugars, and saturated fats (think of highly processed foods and fast foods)

  • Not eating enough throughout your day

  • Unbalanced eating and inconsistent meal times

  • Minimal exercise or strength training

  • Metabolic disorders 

  • PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)

  • Excessive caffeine consumption

  • Poor sleep

  • Stress

  • Excessive alcohol consumption

  • Smoking

  • Dehydration

Foods To Avoid For Apple Body Shapes

Below we will review the most important types of food you should be avoiding in order to reverse an apple body shape.

Food Sensitivities

Any food that triggers a food sensitivity response. Food sensitivities increase inflammation and cortisol production.

These foods will look different for everyone and it can be beneficial to recognize any food sensitivities you might have. A common food type that cause sensitivities is dairy.

Foods Containing Artificial Sweeteners, Fructose Sweeteners and High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

These ingredients can increase appetite and cravings for additional sweets, which can lead to overeating and unwanted weight gain. Foods that consist of these ingredients are candy, soda, packaged sweets / baked goods, ice cream, and fruit juices.

High Refined Carbohydrate Foods

These foods tend to be low in fiber and high in saturated fat, and they increase blood glucose levels quickly, which disrupts hunger cues. Insulin levels dictate how many carbohydrates are stored as fat, so increased insulin levels especially overtime can increase fat storage in the abdomen. These foods will be things like chips, crackers, cookies, cakes, bagels, and cereals.

High Sugar "Health" Foods

These foods also spike insulin and disrupt fat burning processes in the body. Some examples of these “health” foods are protein bars, granola and granola bars, flavored yogurts, sweetened nut milks, and sports and energy drinks.

Watch out for foods like these when grocery shopping because they tend to have a lot of added sugars, but are marketed to be “healthy”. Remember to always check the nutrition facts label!

Saturated Fats

Saturated fats are usually coined as “unhealthy fats” and can lead to more inflammation in the body, which can increase those cortisol levels and further lead to weight gain. Some examples of foods high in saturated fats are butter, coconut oil, cured meats, and fatty meats.

Fast foods and fried foods are also very high in saturated fat.

High Sodium Foods

Having a diet high in sodium can cause bloating from water retention, as well as from increased thirst and fluid intake. It also puts you at risk for high blood pressure and further at risk for heart disease and diabetes.

All of these things put stress on the body and create inflammation which begins the cascade for increased cortisol production and ultimately weight gain. High sodium foods are also those that are packaged and highly processed and typically high in calories, refined carbohydrates, saturated fats, and added sugars.

Canned foods also contain a lot of sodium, so look for products that say “no salt added”, and always check the nutrition label. 

Healthy Swaps & Foods to Reverse Apple Body Shapes

Here is a list of tips you can implement to help reverse an apple body shape. You don’t have to implement every single one, but pick at least a few items from this list, the more the better.

  • Instead of using butter to cook, try olive or canola oil.

  • Canned tuna and salmon in water are packed with healthy fats and protein and take no time to cook. Add these to a salad or sandwich for a quick meal. 

  • Try peanut butter (or any nut butter) with berries for dessert. 

  • When craving something sweet, grab fruit instead of packaged baked goods. 

  • Opt for lean proteins like chicken, turkey, and fish instead of beef. 

  • Add vegetarian plant proteins to your meals - they are low in saturated fat and provide lots of fiber. 

  • Cut the visible fat off of meat when preparing it. 

  • Instead of over-salting your foods and meals when cooking, try to season them with a lot of herbs and spices that contain no added salt. Lemon or lime juice is also a great touch. 

  • Squeeze lemon in your water or sparkling water as an alternative to sugary beverages.

  • Investigate any food sensitivities you may have with a doctor or dietitian.  

  • Always check nutrition facts labels for ingredients, sometimes packaging is sneaky. 

  • Use portion control at meals in order to balance fats, carbs, and protein. 

  • Make your lunch the night before work in order to avoid eating out or undereating during your work day. 

  • Set aside time one day in your week for meal prepping in order to plan ahead and save time. 

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

How To Reverse An Apple Body Shape Through Diet

Here are the top foods you should eat if you have an apple shape and are trying to reverse it.

  • Foods that contain healthy amounts of fat, protein, and fiber such as raw Brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds.

  • Fats that help increase leptin release, suppress appetite and lower insulin such as extra virgin olive oil and egg yolks.

  • Foods that assist in lowering blood sugar including fenugreek seeds, chia seeds, oat bran, and flaxseeds.

  • Foods that improve insulin sensitivity including cinnamon, fish oil, and blueberries.

  • Foods that contain ursolic acid and EGCG such as Fuji apples.

  • Foods that contain phosphatidylserine, which lowers cortisol is packed with fiber to stabilize insulin. Food sources that contain phosphatidylserine include soy and egg yolks. 

  • Foods that lower cortisol and blood pressure including dark chocolate (70% or higher) and whey protein.

  • Foods high in complex carbohydrates versus simple carbohydrates are typically higher in fiber and nutrients and will have less of an impact on spiking your blood sugar. 

  • Foods with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Especially omega-3 fatty acids which help reduce inflammation and stress upon the body, and are found in fatty fish, nuts, and seeds. Keep in mind though that regulating how much fat is eaten in a day is still important regardless if the fat is “good” or “bad”. The amount of fat you eat will still be stored in the body as fat.

Tips For Incorporating Apple Shape Friendly Foods Into Your Diet

  • For a quick and easy snack grab about a handful of nuts, like almonds.

  • A few pieces of dark chocolate without a ton of added sugars for dessert is a great way to curb your sweet tooth craving.

  • Swap out white bread products for whole grain bread products, for example quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat/nut/seed breads. 

  • Fuji apples with nut butter is a great snack. It incorporates healthy fats, carbohydrates, and fiber all at once. 

  • Top your oatmeal with blueberries, walnuts, and cinnamon to add extra flavor and nutrients.

  • Boil some eggs early in your week to create an easy grab and go snack. Or, slice them up with some avocado for breakfast. 

  • Make your own salad dressing using olive oil, lemon juice, and herbs. Premade salad dressings can contain a lot of added sugars. 

  • Add chia or flax seeds to smoothies or yogurt.

  • Prepare balanced meals three times a day with protein, fat, and complex carbohydrates.

  • Eat lots of color! Vegetables and fruits contain fiber and antioxidants which reduce toxic substances that produce inflammation and harm for our bodies.

  • Choose one day to plan ahead in your week. Preparing snacks and meals ahead of time will make it easier to grab and eat on the go.

Being mindful of your diet and understanding your preferences will help you better incorporate and substitute these foods into your diet. It will also be very important to eat consistently everyday and control portion sizes.

Eating 3 meals a day with 2 snacks will better help stabilize your blood sugar and curb cravings that might cause you to overeat. Skipping meals and waiting to eat until later in the day can actually cause our body to enter “starvation mode” and start to store fat instead of using it for energy.

The Best Types of Exercise To Reverse An Apple Shaped Body

Exercise is another key factor for abdominal fat loss, and also beneficial for reducing the risk for other metabolic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Targeting specific areas of the body, like the glutes, hamstrings, core, and upper back focuses on major muscle groups that can help with burning more calories.

Overall, focusing on strength training for all parts of the body and healthy levels of cardio, will target fat loss throughout the entire body. Consider the following types of exercises for targeting abdominal fat loss, which will help with reversing an apple body shape.

  • Interval training or high intensity interval training (HIIT) - short bursts of higher intensity exercise like running for 30 seconds followed by 1-2 minute recovery periods of walking or less intense activity 

  • Prolonged cardio (around 45 minutes) - brisk walking, jogging/running, elliptical, training, etc.

  • Resistance/strength training 

  • Yoga and Pilates are also great for reducing stress 

Overall, it is important to tailor your workouts to what is most comfortable and feasible for you and your schedule. Overworking your body through too many hours and too high of an intensity of exercise can actually have a negative impact on your body.

When you exercise your body is in a stressed state and will release cortisol in response to this, which is usually short term and a normal and healthy response. Although exacerbating this leads to excessive cortisol levels and inflammation within the body.

Aiming for 150-200 minutes (or at least 30 minutes 5 days per week) of low to moderate intensity exercise per week and developing a routine that works for you can be a great place to aim for and start at.

By choosing the right foods, eating a healthy diet, and mixing in some exercise it is possible to reverse an apple body shape

Try to steer clear of the overly processed foods that are going to be higher in added sugars, saturated fats, and refined carbohydrates that will disrupt blood sugar balance and increase those unwanted cravings. Interval training exercises along with prolonged cardio and strength training are great for fat loss and can help reverse an apple body shape.

Lastly, focus on yourself and lifestyle habits and try to reduce daily stressors that impact your hormones (cortisol and insulin), which are tied closely with abdominal weight gain.

Finally, if you need more help you can book a FREE discovery call with one of our dietitians or get our weekly meal plan newsletter.

Published on Aug 30, 2022 at 12:08 pm